
Canon Innovative Solution (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

Terms of Use
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Canon Innovative Solution (Beijing) Co., Ltd.


Please carefully read these terms before you use this Website. Any of your browse, access to or use of this Website will be deemed as your consent to all the terms of this use agreement and this use agreement constitutes the mutual agreement of you and this Company with respect to the use of this Website. If you do not agree, please do not use this Website. Or, please contact our service department and we have professional people to answer you.


All the copyrights of all the contents of this Website, including but not limited to texts, instructions, drawings, images, patterns, archives, page design, website planning and arrangement shall be owned by Canon Innovative Solution (Beijing) Co., Ltd.("Canon Innovative"). Subject to your guarantee that you reserve all the information of copyrights and other ownership, Canon Innovative authorizes you to view and download the contents of this Website ("Site") provided that they are used for your personal purpose only and shall not be used for any commercial purpose. You may not modify or copy or publicly present, publish or distribute these materials or use them for any public or commercial purpose in any other way. Without the written authorization, nobody shall enjoy any right in any content of this Website. You shall not conduct any of the following behaviors on all or any content of this Website, including but not limited to reproduction, storage, download, use, change, alteration, connection, public broadcast, public viewing, transmission, reverse engineering, decompilation or disassembly, except for prior written consent from this Company or any other authorization or consent prescribed in this Website.


In case that you download and use any software from this Website, you must observe the license terms in the license agreement attached to such software. Download or installation of such software shall not be allowed unless and until you read and accept all the terms of the software license agreement.


As for your convenience, the link from the website of Canon Innovative enables you to be connected to the website owned or operated by a third party from this Website. When access to and use any other website, you should first read and decide whether you agree with the website's instructions on website use. Since Canon Innovative does not check and is unable to examine all the relevant third party websites, nor does it control or assume any liability for those websites or the contents thereof. Consequently, Canon Innovative does not acknowledge or make any representation on any information, software and other product service or material of those websites or any possible result of using those websites. All the risks relating to your connection to any third party website shall be assumed by yourself. If you believe that any other website does not meet your requirement or you do not trust the contents of any other website, please leave such website as soon as practical. Any of your behaviors on other websites, including but not limited to sale, gift, lottery or acceptance of service, shall have no relation with this Company. This Company declares that it will never be involved in any behavior between you and any third party website. In case of any dispute with connection to your behavior at any website, claims shall be made against the other party of the behavior or the service provider.


The website of Canon Innovative and the contents thereof are only for the convenience of your use and understanding of this Company. This Company provides the existing and real time web pages for your use. This Company does not assume any liability for any interruption or error in the operation of this Website or the contents of the web pages, irrespective of the reasons for such event or the Company's faults in such event. This Company reserves the right to modify any web page content at any time and may terminate or stop your right to use this Website without giving any notice at any time and based on its own consideration or judgment. Canon Innovative makes no express or implicit warranty on this Website, including but not limited to the correctness, reliability or suitability of the contents, the special purpose of the products, and infringement on other parties' rights. This Company will not assume any liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or material damage, profit loss or business interruption resulting from use or impossibility of using services of this Website, no matter this Company is notified of the possibility of such event or not.


You are only allowed to use this Website and contents thereof for personal need and non-commercial purpose. After you specify the data source, some news information and other documents listed as level of public use may be for public use provided that you shall not conduct behaviors such as garbled quotation, distorting or evil interpretation of such documents.


Canon Innovative, its suppliers and any third party mentioned in this Site will not be liable for any damage, no matter whether such damage resulting from using, impossibility of using this Website results, connecting to any website in this Site or any information of such websites, including but not limited to damages as a result of profit loss, data loss or business interruption. If it is necessary for you to maintain, amend or correct any equipment or data due to your use of any information in this Site, you are still required to pay all the costs and expenses arising therefrom. Applicable laws may not allow to exclude incidental damage or indirect damage or restrict the liability scope. As such, aforesaid scope or terms may not be applicable to you.


Canon Innovative does not supervise, nor is it able to supervise the contents posted by the users of this Website. Nor will this Company be liable for such contents. This Company reserves the right to remove at its discretion any content posted by the Website users at any time.


The names of other products or companies mentioned in the website of Canon Innovative. may be any other's trademark or enterprise symbol. Unless you obtain the prior written consent of this Company or the holders of such rights, you are not expressly or implicitly entitled to use any trademark appearing at this Website by your access to this Website.


Copyrights are owned by Canon Innovative (copyright ©). Canon Innovative reserves all its rights.


Canon Innovative may change these terms at any time. You should often visit the webpage to know the current terms. Some of these terms may be replaced by the legal announcement or terms explicitly designated in some pages in this Site.

Notes: Any one connected to the website of Canon Innovative shall observe these regulations and all the applicable laws of China, excluding Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

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   备案            Copyright Canon Innovative Solution (Beijing) Co., Ltd.